Fully Automated Turnkey Condom Factory.
To produce condoms with the minimum number of production employees.
Only for the work floor.
Item 1
Mixing department 2 workers a shift
Item 2
Laboratory/standards 3 workers a shift
Condom production dipping line 2 workers a shift
Powder slurry/Washing/drying (in one machine) 1 worker a shift
Item 5
Testing/ sealing/ cartooning over rapper box closer (printer )
Complete flow line
1 high-qualified worker
a shift
Item 6
Transport from flow line to storehouse 1 worker
1 for the fork lifter
a shift
Item 7
Work shop to maintain all machine 1 high-qualified worker
1 assisted
Item 8
For: heating/ generators/water treatment/electrics/ ect
1 qualified worker
Total per shift 12 total basic 24 hours (5shift) 60 persons.
For more information please send us an e-mail