Today's activities
Since January 1991 Dutch Dipping has acquired all the know-how from Pneumatic Systems. Pneumatic Systems (Engineers) limited founded in 1958 was a design and manufacturer company well known for its services to the dipped product industry, ancillary components and process vessels for production of a comprehensive range of various latex and plastisol dipped products - gloves (household, general industrial and utility, specialised); balloons (toy, promotional, scientific and other specialised); baby care (comforters, teats); prophylactics.The Company had a reputation for quality
and ingenuity of design and engineering. It has successfully
marketed plant for standard-run product items and, especially,
has gained reputation for innovativeness and flexibility to
invent and adapt for special-purpose and individual requirements.
Workmanship and materials were guaranteed to standards of
robustness and quality suited to the many varied environmental
conditions throughout the world in which the Company's plants
are expected to give minimum maintenance, trouble-free performance.
Pneumatic Systems (Engineers) Limited have conceived and patented a number of processes, applications and machinery for refinement and improvement of dipped product manufacture. Recent major plant installations and under construction were for customers in Pakistan, Syria, Malaysia, N.America, France and UK.